Monday, March 24, 2008

EmmaLee 9 months today!

Hard to believe Emms 9 mo! Emma loves Mickey Mouse...i tried to get some pics, but she was too into Mickey, as you can see.

Emma, Carrie and Jon on Easter

My 3 beautiful kids!

More Easter pics

Easter Sunday

Emmalees first Easter was not a typical "happy Emm" day. Emma is teething and she was miserable all day. Poor baby! I got alot of pictures but I don't think she is smiling in any of them. Besides her being all out of sorts, Easter was nice, and we started our day at Church and then later at Auntie Grammy Pams for dinner with the family. It was almost like Christmas for the little cousins. The Easter bunny sure was generous. : ) Grandpa gave Emma the cutest cuddly bunny. And Auntie Pam had a cute bunny basket for Emm. So here are some pictures of our day.

Emmy loves her doggies!

Emm has taken a special liking to Lola our beagle. I wasn't sure how lola would be with a baby around, but she has been so sweet and patient with Emm. Emma likes to hang all over and crawl on Lola.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Emma holding on to her Easter card. All rested up from a sleepness night she is all ready for our shopping day. FUN!

Easter card from Grandma and Grandpa

Emma recieved her first Easter card and bunny ( a book too )from Grandma and Grandpa.
Here she is at 4am....yes at 4! She was ready to play after a couple hrs of restlesness due to teething. Thankyou Grandma and Grandpa. Emms been holding on to her card all day while playing. : )

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Emms such a happy girl!

Emma having her snack after waking up from her afternoon nap (3 hrs!)she always wakes up happy and full of smiles.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Me with my baby and Daddy with his baby... : ) today after Church.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Emma and I were ready to run some errands and she was having so much fun just playing, so good time to take more pics of my dolly. And what a doll she is!