Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Morning Pictures

Our poor beautiful tree was SO DRY and DEAD I took it down the next day!!! My Dad came over for cinnamon rolls and pullaparts. And of course enjoyed a Great, strong cup of Seattle java! We had a wonderful morning! The girls loved their presents!

More pictures of Chritsmas morn

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Our 3 girls

Hattie, Art's oldest daughter is here on Christmas break from Portland. It is nice to have her here for a visit. This is the 2nd time she has seen EmmaLee. A great opportunity to get some good pictures of the 3 girls.
Carrie 18, Hattie 15 and EmmaLee 18 mo. :) Do they look a like??

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas morn.

Opening gifts

The little ones exchanged gifts and Santa handed them out. Em recieved some cute outfits from Granpa, and another adorable outfit and shoes from Coleson. Caylen gave Em some My little Pony ponies and Auntie gave her~ her first Cabbage patch doll! FUN! Art missed Christmas Eve since he was busy at work. Bummer for him! We had a fun night of family, food and football! Singing too.


Santa Claus made his appearence this year and EmmaLee wasn't too sure what to think of the fat man in the bright red suit. But she knew who he was as the past few weeks we have been reading out of a Santa book, and also knows that Santa says..Ho Ho Ho! :) she says it so dainty and cute! She sat on his lap and was fine with doing so. Most toddlers her age are scared of him but she was ok and quite brave. That a girl Em!

Pretty cousin Caylen and her Grammy

This is such a sweet picture of a Grandmas love! Awww! Caylen loves her Grammy too! :)

EmmaLee LOVES her Auntie!!!

Em will follow Auntie Pam around her house and throws a fit when Auntie goes out side or just out of Em's sight. She loves her SO MUCH!
Em also has really taking a love for her Auntie (cousin) Kristal. :)

Papa and little Em

Emma can say.. Papa for Grandpa. And Grandpa calls Em, little Em. So cute!

Brother, Sissy and EmmaLee

Our three beautiful kids!

Em and Cousin Coleson

Playing with the little people manger set. They both love this!

Christmas Eve at Auntie Pams with the family ~

AND.....EmmaLee turns 18 months!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

EmmaLee and Daddy playing

These two have SO MUCH fun playing! Art loves his baby girl!

Monday, December 22, 2008

EmmaLees Mommy and Daddy

Em Lovin' some mash potatoes

We had chicken, mash potatoes and corn for dinner tonight. Emma ate like I have never seen her eat before!! Wow! Quite the appetite tonight! She finished her dinner in her highchair and then decided she wanted mine. So as she chowed on MY mash potatoes, we had to get a picture, too funny! Haven't really worked too much on " table manners " ~ guess it is time to start. :)