Wednesday, March 4, 2009

EmmaLee Potty'd TWICE today in her potty chair!

We have been talking about potty training Em now for awhile and yesterday we got her a potty chair. Not sure how she would take to the whole sitting on her chair and all. But Emma was a 1st time potty champ!! :) I sat her down twice on her chair today and each time she went!! The days I am home I can really work with her. Not even 2 yet and is on her way ~ yippie!! Lot's of consistency, patience and praise goes along with this task! Hoping her FIRST day of success will continue. Yeah EmmaLee!! Here are some pictures of her potty experience. :) ha ha....


Coleson & Tate said...

So WONDERFUL!!!! GO EM!!!!!!

Pam said...

Go Em Go Em Go Em!